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Autoservicio Vulcanizadora Rapida el Chele

"Thanks to Hunter, we have better results and we sell a better service."


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“I recommend Hunter,” says owner Allan Lopez, “because they have given me great results by increasing my sales.”

The value proposition for Hunter Engineering equipment at Autoservicio Vulcanizadora Rapida El Chele in Nicaragua is simple, Allan Lopez says.

“Thanks to Hunter, we have better results and we sell a better service since we’ve made the investment in aligners, balancers and tire changers.”

Clients have taken notice. Allan says they’ve been very satisfied with Rapida’s work, since it’s faster and more precise. Moreover, using their previous equipment, they often had comebacks. “Today, we no longer have corrections or claims,” he says.

“What I love most about Hunter is the high quality. It’s equipment that doesn’t give us any problems or any type of error.”

Allan Lopez

Owner, Autoservicio Vulcanizadora, Nicaragua



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