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Goodyear Lee Tire Shop on Hunter HawkEye Elite®

"Our technicians are always happy to perform alignments."


goodyear lee tire shop taiwan hunter engineering customer testimonial

Goodyear Lee Tire Shop in Zhubei City, Taiwan enhanced their alignment service by cutting time, improving professionalism and gaining technician trust with Hunter HawkEye Elite®.

After purchasing the Hunter HawkEye Elite® wheel alignment system, we spend less time and effort servicing our customers’ vehicles while providing the most professional experience. It is easy to use and our technicians are always happy to perform alignments. The exceptional feedback from our customers has increased our customer base by 30-50%. The features of the HawkEye Elite® with WinAlign® alignment software makes servicing any vehicle that comes into our shop very easy.

Goodyear Lee Tire Shop

Zhubei City, Taiwan



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Customer Testimonials

There's a reason that Hunter is the world leader in undercar service equipment, and real users are speaking out to explain why.

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