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SmartWeight® Elite Wheel Balancer

The easiest and most precise balancing you can do. In 70 seconds.


Hunter SmartWeight® Elite

Mount. Spin. Balance. Remove. That's it.


badge-bal-rfe-dimensions.pngNEW Automatically measure wheel dimensions


badge-bal-rfe-dimensions.pngNEW Ensure proper wheel centering for accurate results


badge-bal-rfe-dimensions.pngNEW Diagnostic lasers save time and reduce operator error


badge-bal-rfe-dimensions.pngWeight locations identified anywhere along the wheel



Vision system

Patented vision technology provides an exact wheel model

Highly accurate scan allows for optimal weight placement


No need for dataset arms

Diagnostic lasers replace dataset arms for an automatic and complete wheel scan. Now there's no need to:

  • Lose time entering dimensions
  • Worry about entering wrong dimensions
  • Worry about damaging arms
Wheel Dimensions

Automatically determines weight plane locations

Weight Mode

Selects clip or tape weight usage

Rim Runout

Identifies bent rims

Rim Profiled

Creates a three-dimensional model of the rim

SmartWeight® Optimized

Allows more single-weight solutions

Spoke Location

Prioritizes hiding tape weights behind spokes




Automatic CenteringCheck®

Accurately centered wheels = accurately balanced wheels

The right balance, the first time

A miscentered wheel is the primary cause of improper balancing. Automatic CenteringCheck® eliminates setup errors to ensure an accurate balance.

  • Centering is monitored on every spin
  • Tech is notified of possible issues
  • Reduces customer comebacks



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A simpler, smoother experience

Head to head: Weigh the balance

Hunter SmartWeight® Elite


  Wheel dimensions




  Weight mode




  Spoke location




  Rim profile




  SmartWeight® optimized




  Rim runout








  Guided balance

Other balancers


  Wheel dimensions




  Weight mode




  Spoke location




  Rim profile




  SmartWeight® optimized




  Rim runout








  Unguided balance






SmartWeight® Balancing Technology

Deliver the best balance for your customer and your shop


SmartWeight® optimizes the balancing process

SmartWeight® balancing technology:

  • Provides the smoothest ride through the best balance
  • Saves time with more single-weight balances
  • Reduces weight usage by up to 35%
weight placement on road force elite wheel balancer

Save time & effort

Save labor by finding single-weight solutions as much as 60% of the time versus traditional two-weight solutions

Stop chasing weights

Superior balance results from a single quick spin

Track labor & weight savings

Labor savings shown in minutes and hours, as well as dollars, with every spin

Reduce weight usage

Use 30% less weight, saving money on every balance

An average shop saves 7,130 ounces of weight per year with SmartWeight® technology

Improve appearance

Use smaller, less visible weights placed on the inside of wheel when possible

Accommodate many wheel types

  • Flanged or flangeless
  • Plastic clad
  • Colored rims
  • Wider widths
  • Run flats



Training & validation

Improve technician performance

Tools that ensure every balance is correctly performed

  1. One-touch to display rim dimensions
  2. Toggle single-weight solution when applicable
  3. Rim cutaway displays selected weight mode
  4. TruWeight™ provides live navigation through selection and placement of wheel weights
  5. On-board videos reduce training requirements
  6. Switch text language with the push of a button

Reduce weight usage & customer comebacks


HunterNet® 2 Portal

Take control of your equipment, numbers, and profitability


Real-time business tool to manage your most profitable equipment

  • Maximize your shop's performance
  • Monitor your equipment ROI
  • Buy genuine Hunter consumables

Learn more about what HunterNet® 2 does for other Hunter equipment

Monitor trends

Get a high-level overview of your balancer usage trends.

Recall past results

View details on previously serviced wheels.

View usage details

See in-depth balancer usage statistics.

Daily reporting

Receive daily Push Reports to keep your goals on track.




Ihr Hunter Service-Vertreter kann Ihre Fragen beantworten, Ihnen bei der Bedienung des Geräts behilflich sein und Sie vor Ort schulen.



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