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Performing a Steering Angle Sensor Reset

Over 40 million vehicles on the road today require a reset/recalibration of the steering angle sensor (SAS) following a wheel alignment, as instructed by the vehicles manufacturer on certain cars equipped with Electronic Stability Control (ESC).



Over 40 million vehicles on the road today require a reset/recalibration of the steering angle sensor (SAS) following a wheel alignment, as instructed by the vehicle manufacturer on certain cars equipped with Electronic Stability Control (ESC). This number will continue to grow since all vehicles produced for USA consumption from 2012 on have been equipped with ESC. The procedure resets the steering angle to match the vehicle's new thrust line after the alignment has been completed.

A steering angle reset has become a necessary last step in a wheel alignment. While it is possible to use multiple OE style scan tools to complete this procedure, an integrated solution is far superior. Hunter’s CodeLink® provides a simple, integrated solution that addresses reset requirements per specific OEM. CodeLink® “links” the vehicle OBD-II system to the aligner to align safety system related sensors to the vehicle’s alignment geometry. After the vehicle is entered in the system, the software identifies the vehicle as a candidate for reset. CodeLink® integrates with Hunter’s WinAlign software, making the whole process seamless.


A complete steering angle sensor reseton some vehicles includes additional sensors such as torque angle sensor or yaw rate sensors. CodeLink® handles any sensor resets instructed by the vehicle manufacturer without additional input from the technician. In addition, CodeLink® replaces multiple OEM scan tools, and provides the same user interface the technician used to complete the alignment. Using the alignment systems full size screen to communicate with the technician allows simple reset instructions to replace the confusing OEM procedures normally associated with a scan tool sized screen.


The Hunter aligner is used to provide printed documentation confirms that steering system reset was completed properly. CodeLink® ships standard with Hunter WinAlign alignment systems

Did you know?

Failure to perform a safety system alignment when required may impact the proper operation of electronic driver-assist systems.

After a wheel alignment, the position of the steering angle sensor is unknown, prompting many OEMs to now require safety system alignments or safety system resets.

Safety System Alignment®

CodeLink®, the last step in alignment service



Resets steering angle sensors

Simplified reset instructions replace confusing OEM procedures


Replaces multiple tools

One tool replaces multiple, unnecessary scan tools

Easily handles most vehicles

CodeLink® covers most vehicles with one seamless procedure

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