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Hunter Industry Insights

Finding the best wheel balancer for your shop

Read further for important considerations when researching wheel balancers and why Hunter Equipment offers the best wheel balancer for your shop. When you are ready to learn more or want to see Hunter equipment in action, you can contact your local Hunter team, who can provide detailed product information, on-site demos, and pricing information.

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Quick stats

Wheel balancers

60% of balance-related issues are caused by wheels improperly centered on balancers.

Approximately 30% of wheel/tire assemblies are at risk of causing vehicle vibrations despite being perfectly balanced

Modern vehicles are approximately 4x more sensitive to static forces than couple or dynamic forces

Wheel Balancers



Top 9 things to consider

What defines a good wheel balancer?

User Interface

Is the system intuitive? An intuitive, easy-to-use interface will increase employee effectiveness.

Centering Accuracy

Centering errors are a major cause of customer comebacks. Make sure the wheel balancer you are considering can easily verify a wheel is centered properly.

Vibration Diagnostics

A properly balanced wheel doesn't always roll smoothly. A machine that can take the assembly for a test drive will ensure satisfied customers.

Instructional Videos

A wheel balancer with included training assistance increases the value of your investment. On-board training videos simplify training and improves overall balance.

TMPS Database

TPMS systems are a fact of life when dealing with modern wheels and tires. A resident lookup database will make technicians faster and more efficient.

Shaft Durability

Make sure the wheel balancer you are considering has a durable balancer shaft that is designed to last for the life of the machine.

Tire Pull Diagnostics

A wheel balancer that can measure this allows technicians to find a pull problem before your customers do.


A wheel balancer should last a very long time, be sure to choose one that is built to last. Hunter Engineering has local business consultants that can visit your shop and help you choose the right wheel balancer to fit your needs.

Service Support

Make sure the manufacturer supports their products in the field with a team of reliable service representatives. Onboard training videos simplify training and help minimize the effects of tech turnover.

Rolling Smooth

Hunter University

The basics and theory of Road Force balancing and vibration diagnostics. Learn more




Shop type

How do different shops benefit from wheel balancers?

General repair shops

General repair shops are often lower-volume balancing shops. General repair shops should invest in easy-to-use wheel balancers that balance wheels right the first go around.

Tire shops

With the frequency of tire services, tire shops need wheel balancers that are fast and can withstand a high volume of balances.

Automotive dealerships

Dealerships deal with new vehicles and warranty repair and therefore require the highest level of diagnostics to ensure customer satisfaction. 


Collision shops often see assemblies with bent or damaged wheels, which makes running diagnostics an important feature.

Heavy-duty shops

Heavy-duty shops have customers who are concerned with tire life and vibrations. Diagnostics are needed to ensure round tires that last a long time. 

Government & education

Government and education facilities need to have the state of the art equipment to ensure the latest methods are being applied and taught. 



Features of wheel balancers

What are the most important wheel balancer features?

Balancing technology

Road Force technology uses a roller to press against the tire and take it for a road test. This finds all of the non-balance related sources of vibration to give vehicles the best possible ride.

User Interface

An intuitive interface helps a technician get the job done right the first time.

Wheel measurement

The best balancing technologies enter wheel dimensions automatically which provide the fastest and most accurate balance results.

Weight Placement Indicators

Overhead and in-wheel laser indicators ensure the most accurate wheel weight placement and therefore the best balance.


Poor centering is the most common cause of wheel balancing issues.

Match mounting

Balance alone cannot ensure that a wheel assembly rolls smoothly. Measuring the tire with a roller test drives the assembly and ensures the best possible ride.



Mobile service

Increase tire sales and fix wheel assembly vibration issues, all while providing the convenience of on-site customer service.

Learn more



Display types

Types of wheel balancer display

Touch screen

Fastest and most intuitive interface for balancers allows technicians get up to speed quickly.


Lowest cost and most durable display option for wheel balancers.


Passenger versus HD wheel balancers

Heavy Duty

Heavy Duty balancers are optimized for heavy and large wheel assemblies. This machines are designed to balance these large assemblies all day long.


These machines are best at high volume balancing and are highly accurate to ensure smooth rides on these vehicles.





These machines are compact and are designed to fit into vans and trucks to allow a wide variety of wheels to be balanced on the move



Clamping options

Options for wheel balancing clamping

Standard threaded shaft

The ultimate in simplicity and durability ensures that the balancer is always ready to work.

Speed clamp

The fastest and most consistent way to attach a wheel assembly to a balancer.



Browse wheel balancers

Fastest and most efficient balancers

Featured wheel balancer

Road Force Elite®

Solve vibration problems and provide the "new car ride" using the diagnostic load roller

Learn more
Made in the USA

3 year warranty

Local sales team

Heavy Duty Elite®

Heavy-duty diagnostic wheel balancer

SmartWeight® Balancers

Patented SmartWeight® Technology



Wondering about your return on investment?

Speed up balancing with centering checks and SmartWeight®, and avoid comebacks using diagnostic Road Force measurements.


Road Force® Elite ROI




  • What is road force technology?

    Road Force technology uses a roller to press against the tire and take it for a road test. This finds all of the non-balance related sources of vibration to give vehicles the best possible ride. 

  • What is the difference between a basic balancer and a road force balancer?

    Basic balancers only spin the tire to address imbalance. A Road Force balancer uses a load roller to test drive the assembly to find bent rims, improperly constructed tires, and tires that were not mounted properly on the rim. 

  • What are the benefits of a smart weight?

    SmartWeight provides the highest quality balance by separating the static and couple forces and applying appropriate tolerances to each. A side benefit of this technology is that approximately 30% less correction weights are needed. 

  • How do I share balancer information to a customer?

    Printouts have been common for years. Some modern balancers allow this information to be sent digitally to customers. 

  • Why is centering so important on a balancer?

    If a wheel is not centered properly on a balancer its own mass will be mistaken for imbalance. This will cause the wrong correction weights to be applied to the wheel and likely lead to a customer comeback. 

  • How to find training, support, and demos for wheel balancers?

    You can find more information on wheel balancer training and support on the Hunter Engineering YouTube channel or through Hunter training



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