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Aston Marin Brussels

“This is by far the best equipment for us.”


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Placing high importance on efficiency and reliability, Aston Martin found what it was looking for in Hunter Engineering equipment. 

There wasn’t much drama when manager Freddy Loix was considering which tire and wheel service equipment would best bit Aston Martin Brussels.

Why Hunter specifically? “Because this is by far the best equipment for us,” Freddy said. “We compared different brands and Hunter was the most reliable and efficient.”

Aston Martin uses Hunter aligners and wheel balancers, but the Revolution™ tire balancer is the techs’ favorite because it’s faster, safer, ergonomic and easier to secure the rims. “We find it a pleasure to work with,” one commented.

Freddy agrees. “It’s important to work with Hunter because it’s efficient and the results are amazing.”

Freddy Loix

Manager, Aston Martin Brussels



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